Course Creation
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How to develop a course for AZ Water WELL:

Step 1: What is your course? Who will be instructing the course?

Courses are 1-2 hours in total length. If your course is longer than 2 hours, consider creating 2 or more courses as a part 1 and part 2 of the same course. Some courses can be shorter than 1 hour on a case-by-case basis, especially for specialized topics. See the Definitions & FAQs page  for more guidance on Course Length and Course Naming. Please also check the course development list for a list of ongoing and proposed courses for collaboration if there’s overlap with your course topic idea. Submit your proposed course at this link.

Step 2: Outline the Course

Fill out a 1 to 2-page Course Outline using the Course Outline Template . This outline should include all the proposed ~15 minute chapters within the course and brief bullets describing the content in each chapter and will also need to include the estimated time and instructor names for each chapter. Submit the Outline to for review.

Step 3: Develop the Presentation

Once your Course Outline has been sent back to you, you should also receive a PowerPoint Template file (download example) that will be customized to give your course a unique but consistent look with the other courses on AZ Water WELL. Develop your presentation using that template (or paste slides into the template using destination format). Submit the file to for review.

Step 4: Record the Presentation

Once the PowerPoint file has been sent back to you, it is time to record! You can record with or without video of you presenting the course. The Course Recording Instructions or this video lay out easy steps, and you can also request in-person assistance while recording if needed.

Step 5: Submit!

Provide the Course Info along with an updated final course outline and one mp4 file per chapter. We’ll do the rest! You are done!