About Us


The AZ Water is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit educational organization founded in 1928 with a membership of 2,700 water/wastewater professionals dedicated to preserving and enhancing Arizona's water environment.
AZ Water is the Arizona section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Arizona member association of the Water Environment Federation (WEF).



Advocate for Arizona’s water through engaging leadership, connecting professionals, providing education, and inspiring environmental stewardship.


A vibrant Arizona through resilient, reliable, and safe water.

Strategic Plan

View and download our strategic plan here.

Other Governing Documents

Policies and Procedures



In the early years of statehood, an organization called the Arizona Public Health Association was established to address the needs of water supply and waste disposal by public and private organizations with the new state. To separate the public health aspects of the medical treatment of water and water-borne diseases, the Arizona Water Association (AZ Water) was split from the Public Health Association in 1928, the same year the Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) was formed. AZ Water became a member association of the WPCF (now known as the Water Environment Federation - WEF), and the Arizona section of the American Water Association (AWWA).
The primary functions of AZ Water were education and the dissemination of information for providing safe water and for the reclamation of wastewater. To this end, AZ Water established a voluntary certification program to certify the level of competence in water and sewage treatment. The certification program became a mandatory requirement of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) in 1973.


Our Structure



AZ Water has five councils in alignment with our Strategic Objectives that bring together similar committees. These councils are: Advocacy, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Infrastructure, and Member Involvement.
Councils are composed two AZ Water Board members, applicable committee chairs or their delegated substitute, and at least additional committee member from each applicable committee. These councils provide a platform for collaboration and communication between committees with similar goals and objectives. It also allows for streamlined reporting structure for sharing important updates, events, and information that may be applicable to a greater group or the organization at large. 

Committee Chairs:

Our committees are the backbone of our organization and provide focused places for our members to participated in conversations, events, and activities that supports the mission, vision, and strategic plan of the organization. We have 30 different committees each chaired by an AZ Water member. To learn more about each committee, visit their individual page and/or feel free to contact their chair for more information. 

For a more detailed overview of our structure including our leadership, view our Org Chart here.